Plasma Science and Technology
Plasma Science and Technology
Diffusion of ions in an electrostatic stochastic field and a space-dependent unperturbed magnetic field
Influence of heating on the discharge characteristics of a hollow cathode
Design and characteristics of a new type laminar plasma torch for materials processing
Effects of inter-electrode insertion on the performance and thermal flow fields of a hollow-electrode plasma torch
Kinetic simulation of the transition from a pulse-modulation microwave discharge to a continuous plasma
Numerical simulation of atmospheric pulsemodulated radio-frequency glow discharge ignition characteristics assisted by a pulsed discharge
Weighted-averaging-based classification of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements using most informative spectral lines
Spectral characteristic of laser-induced plasma in soil
The effect of atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma treatment on the dyeing properties of silk fabric
Effect of the amount of trapped particulate matter on diesel particulate filter regeneration performance using nonthermal plasma assisted by exhaust waste heat
Development of a data acquisition and control system for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor neutron flux monitor
Experimental study of current loss of a single-hole post-hole convolute on the QG I generator