Psychosomatic Medicine Resesrch
Psychosomatic Medicine Resesrch
Is It the Obligation of People with Hiv/Aids to Inform Spouses and Sexual Partners
Comparison of Mental Health Status and Behaviour of Chinese Medical and Non-Medical College Students During the Coronavirus Disease 2019(Covid-19)Pandemic
The Effect of Carbohydrate Drinks Before Painless Colonoscopy on Hemodynamic Stability and Comfort of Elderly Patients:A Randomized Controlled Study
Impact of Risk Perception about COVID-19 on the Coping Behavior of the Elderly:Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy
Going-out Behaviors of Patients with Chronic Diseases When Purchasing Drugs During Covid-19
Path Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19-Related Stress Response on Phobia and Anxiety Experienced by College Students