Journal of Sport and Health Science
Journal of Sport and Health Science
Opinion New scientif ic basisfor the2018 U.S.Physical Activity Guidelines
Review Thecompelling link between physical activity and thebody's defense system
Review Thecontribution of small and largesensory afferentsto postural control in patientswith peripheral neuropathy
Original article The effect of performance demands on lower extremity biomechanics during landing and cutting tasks
Original article Patellar tendon stress between two variations of the forward step lunge
Original article Neuromuscular fatigue and recovery prof iles in individuals with intellectual disability
Original article Classif ication of higher-and lower-mileage runners based on running kinematics
Original article Association of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time with health-related quality of lifein women with f ibromyalgia:Theal-′Andalusproject
Original article Determination of functional f itness age in women aged 50 and older
Original article Parents'participation in physical activity predicts maintenance of some,but not all,types of physical activity in offspring during early adolescence:A prospective longitudinal study
Original article Adolescents'personal beliefsabout suff icient physical activity aremore closely related to sleep and psychological functioning than self-reported physical activity:A prospectivestudy
Original article Group dynamicsmotivation to increaseexerciseintensity with a virtual partner
Corrigendum Corrigendum to“Denervated muscleextract promotesrecovery of muscle atrophy through activation of satellite cells.An experimental study”[JSport Health Sci8(2019)23-31]