Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Fast parallel factor decomposition technique for coherently distributed source localization
Sparse channel recovery with inter-carrier interference self-cancellation in OFDM
Numerical study of radio wave propagation in clear air acoustic scatterer
Weak node protection to maximize the lifetime of wireless sensor networks
Low-complexity PTS scheme based on phase factor sequences optimization
Fast PARAFAC decomposition with application to polarization sensitive array parameter estimations
GA-based approach to phase compensation of large phased array antennas
Tracking multiple targets in MIMO radar via adaptive asymmetric joint diagonalization with deflation
Time resource management of OAR based on fuzzy logic priority for multiple target tracking
Formation and adjustment of manned/unmanned combat aerial vehicle cooperative engagement system
Situation assessment for air combat based on novel semi-supervised naive Bayes
Data envelopment analysis procedure with two non-homogeneous DMU groups
Analysis on decision-making model of plan evaluation based on grey relation projection and combination weight algorithm
Global approximation based adaptive RBF neural network control for supercavitating vehicles
Approach to inter-satellite time synchronization for micro-satellite cluster
Multiple UAVs cooperative formation forming control based on back-stepping-like approach
Stochastic convergence analysis of cubature Kalman filter with intermittent observations
Output regulation of singular linear systems with input saturation by composite nonlinear feedback control
Multi-channel signal parameters joint optimization for GNSS terminals
Multi-camera calibration method based on minimizing the difference of reprojection error vectors
A dual channel perturbation particle filter algorithm based on GPU acceleration
On redundancy-modified NAND multiplexing
Application of deep autoencoder model for structural condition monitoring