Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Fracture initiation and propagation in intact rock-A review
A review of discrete modeling techniques for fracturing processes in discontinuous rock masses
A review on the performance of conventional and energy-absorbing rockbolts
Improved shape hardening function for bounding surface model for cohesive soils
New artif i cial neural networks for true triaxial stress state analysis and demonstration of intermediate principal stress effects on intact rock strength
Modeling stress wave propagation in rocks by distinct lattice spring model
Parametric analyses of evapotranspiration landf i ll covers in humid regions
From the new Austrian tunneling method to the geoengineering condition evaluation and dynamic controlling method
Theoretical investigation of interaction between a rectangular plate and fractional viscoelastic foundation
Effect of graph generation on slope stability analysis based on graph theory