Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Latest progress of soft rock mechanics and engineering in China
Non-classical solutions of a continuum model for rock descriptions
Critical issues in soft rocks
The coal cleat system:A new approach to its study
Analysis of mechanical behavior of soft rocks and stability control in deep tunnels
Tunnel behaviour and support associated with the weak rock masses of f l ysch
Impact of weathering on slope stability in soft rock mass
Fragmentation characteristics analysis of sandstone fragments based on impact rockburst test
Non-harmonious deformation controlling of gob-side entry in thin coal seam under dynamic pressure
Sliding surface searching method for slopes containing a potential weak structural surface
Frictional sliding tests on combined coal-rock samples
Effects of loading-unloading and wetting-drying cycles on geomechanical behaviors of mudrocks in the Colombian Andes
Full length article
China organic-rich shale geologic features and special shale gas production issues