Journal of Partial Differential Equations
Journal of Partial Differential Equations
A Rem ark on the Level Sets of the G raph of Harm onic Functions Bounded by Tw o Circles in Parallel Planes
An A lternative M ethod for Solving Lagrange’s First-O rder Partial D ifferen tial Equation w ith Linear Function Coeffi cien ts
Renorm alized Solu tions of Non linear Parabolic Equations in Weigthed Variab le-Exponen t Space
Random A ttractor for the Nonclassical D iffusion Equation w ith Fad ing M em ory
Exponen tial Decay of Energy for a Logarithm icWave Equation
Conservation Law s for CKdV and BSSK System s
Rem arkson Liouville Type Resu lt for the 3D Hall-M HD System