Journal of Mathematical Study
Journal of Mathematical Study
Anisotropic Elliptic Nonlinear Obstacle Problem with Weighted Variable Exponent
Non-Negative Integer Matrix Representations of a Z+-ring
On the h-almost Yamabe Soliton
Nontrivial Solution for a Kirchhoff Type Problem with Zero Mass
LpHarmonic k-forms on Complete Noncompact Hypersurfaces in Sn+1with Finite Total Curvature
A Fast Conservative Scheme for the Space Fractional Nonlinear SchrÖdinger Equation with Wave Operator
Domination in Generalized Cayley Graph of Commutative Rings
Uniform Convergence of Spectral Expansions in the Terms of Root Functions of a Spectral Problem for the Equation of a Vibrating Beam
Weakly I-semiregular Rings and I-semiregular Rings