Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)
Review:Controllable Synthesis of Two-Dimensional (2D) MoS2 byChemical Vapor Deposition Process
Potential of Novel Halotolerant and Psychrotrophic Strain ofPlanococcus sp. for Water Treatment
Submarine Pipeline Lateral Global Buckling and Buckling FailureCritical State Discussion
Acceleration of Lattice Boltzmann Simulation via OpenACC
Mechanical Analyses of Rails and Panels in a RectangularElectromagnetic Rail Launcher
Influences of Tool Wear on Residual Stress and Fatigue Life ofWorkpiece in Hard Cutting Process
A RBPF Algorithm with Non-intact Particle Data for FastSLAM
Method for Calculating the Ultimate Strength of Pitting CorrosionShip Structural Plates Under Combined Loads
Seismic Data Recovery with Curvelet Bivariate Shrinkage FunctionBased on Compressed Sensing