Electro-mechanical power coupling system for PHEV with high price-performance ratio*
Introduction of the Fluid Control Engineering Institute of Kunming University of Science and Technology
Research on the inference of CNC machine fault based on Bayes and FTA
Weihai HHH Mach.&Elec.Group
Particle removal by an oscillating bubble in the pipe*
Research on multi-axial multi-excitations road simulation test method for AMT actuator*
Simulation of automobile ESP system based on fuzzy control*
Design and test of the magnetorheological damper of aircraft landing gear*
Die wear numerical analysis based on Archard’s model under stable deformation*
Passenger airbag virtual design and simulation for C-NCAP frontal test of an electric vehicle*
Gear fault classification based on support vector machine*
Study on energy-saving composite cylinder hydraulic lifting system*
Micro capacitance detecting technology research for height automatic adjustment system of CNC cutting machine*
Studies on torque characteristics test system of torsional vibration damper*
Implementation of wireless communication and real time control for CNC system of embedded CNC turret punch press*
Comprehensive obstacle avoidance system based on the fuzzy control for cleaning robot
Application research on three-phase inverter with space-vector pulse modulation*
Experimental study on milling tool life for SKD11 steel and optim ization of cutting parameters*
Developing deburring device based on burr formation principles*
Design and application of attitude measuring device for DC power output filter circuit
Effect of the punch-nose radii on the stress state of core deformation zone in shearing-extruding trimming technology*
Design and implementation of motion control system for plate cutting machine based on PLC