Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
Artificial Intelligence Providing a More Optimized Assessment Tool for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Behavior Recognition of the Elderly in Indoor Environment Based on Feature Fusion of Wi-Fi Perception and Videos
User Profile in Smart Elderly Care Community:Findings from Community in Western China
An Interpretable Depression Prediction Model for the Elderly Based on ISSA Optimized LightGBM
Exploring Brain Age Calculation Models Available for Alzheimer’s Disease
Serum Sodium Fluctuation Prediction among ICU Patients Using Neural Network Algorithm:Analysis of the MIMIC-IV Database
Brain Functional Network Based on Small-Worldness and Minimum Spanning Tree for Depression Analysis
An End-to-End Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Common Geriatric Diseases
A Hybrid Model Based on ResNet and GCN for sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition
3DMKDR: 3D Multiscale Kernels CNN Model for Depression Recognition Based on EEG
Carbon Price Forecasting Approach Based on Multi-Scale Decomposition and Transfer Learning