Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
Simplified Method for Joint Calibration of 3D Ladar and Monocular Camera
Force Control of Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Based on Load Velocity Compensation
Name Relevance and Contact Opportunity-Based Routing Strategy for Mobile Content Sharing
Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Behavior Feedback and Logic Reversal
Identification of Driving Intention Based on EEG Signals
High-Speed Noise-Based Random Bit Generator by Removing 1/f Noise with Differential Comparison
Power Allocation with Proportional Fairness in Downlink NOMA System
Comparison of Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of Co-10Cr-xSi (x=0,5,10) Alloys at 1 073 K
Radiometric Calibration Chain Design Based on Uniform Collimated Laser Source
Forest Mapping and Classification with Compact PolInSAR Data
Numerical Investigation on the Features of Gasoline Mixture Flow Field with Rotary Jet Mixing
Small Segment Coalescing: A Hardware Acceleration Method of Receive Side for TCP/IP Processing
Laser Methane Sensor and the Study of Cross Interference
Optimization Methodology of Empirical Electronic Theory by Employing Statistical Model
Mechanical Behavior and Failure Criterion of High Performance Concrete Under Biaxial Tension-Compression Loading Condition
Anti-Dropping Technology of Four-Wheeled Throwing Robot
Effects of Polymers on Phase Transition of ε-CL-20 and CL-20-Based PBXs
Deep Sleep Detection Using Only Respiration
Tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) Isocyanurate Induced Oxidative Stress in the Human Neuronal Cell Lines and in Rat Brains