International Soil and Water Conservation Research
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
In Memoriam:Dr.John M.Laflen
Multi-criteria decision making methods to address rural land allocation problems:A systematic review
Contribution of phytoecological data to spatialize soil erosion:Application of the RUSLE model in the Algerian atlas
Comparing surface erosion processes in four soils from the Loess Plateau under extreme rainfall events
Human and climatic drivers of land and water use from 1997 to 2019 in Tarim River basin,China
Effects of land management practices and land cover types on soil loss and crop productivity in Ethiopia:A review
Impacts of different surface features on soil detachment in the subtropical region
Spatial optimization of soil and water conservation practices using coupled SWAT model and evolutionary algorithm
Evolution of river course and morphometric features of the River Ganga:A case study of up and downstream of Farakka Barrage
Ecological intensification of cropping systems enhances soil functions,mitigates soil erosion,and promotes crop resilience to dry spells in the Brazilian Cerrado
Investigation of environmental and land use impacts in forestedpermafrost headwaters of the Selenga-Baikal river system,Mongolia-Effects on discharge,water quality and macroinvertebrate diversity
Soil organic carbon stock and fractional distribution across centralsouth China
Invasion of Prosopis juliflora and its effects on soil physicochemical properties in Afar region,Northeast Ethiopia
Microbiome analysis reveals soil microbial community alteration with the effect of animal excretion contamination and altitude in Tibetan Plateau of China