International Soil and Water Conservation Research
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
GIS-based soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area(Ravenna,northern Italy)
Event-based hydrology and sedimentation in paired watersheds under commercial eucalyptus and grasslands in the Brazilian Pampa biome
Changes of soil quality induced by different vegetation restoration in the collapsing gully erosion areas of southern China
New approach for obtaining the C-factor of RUSLE considering the seasonal effect of rainfalls on vegetation cover
Factor influencing land degradation sensitivity and desertification in a drought prone watershed in Thailand
Wear of the working parts of agricultural tools in the context of the mass of chemical elements introduced into soil during its cultivation
Determinants of adoption of multiple sustainable agricultural practices among smallholder farmers in Nigeria
Near-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity and pore characteristics as influenced by conventional and conservation tillage practices in North-West Himalayan region,India
Crop productivity,soil health,and energy dynamics of Indian Himalayan intensified organic maize-based systems
Carbon sequestration benefits of the grain for Green Program in the hilly red soil region of southern China
Potential of conservation tillage and altered land configuration to improve soil properties,carbon sequestration and productivity of maize based cropping system in eastern Himalayas,India
Predictions of soil and nutrient losses using a modified SWAT model in a large hilly-gully watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau