Family Medicine and Community Health
Family Medicine and Community Health
Study of type 2 diabetes management among patients in a Macau primary care setting
Factors influencing the intention of Indonesian nursing students to work in rural areas
Glycaemic control, antidiabetic medications and influenza vaccination coverage among patients with diabetes in Udine, Italy
What do Iranian general practitioners expect from family physician contracts?
Antimicrobial dispensing practices and determinants of antimicrobial resistance: a qualitative study among community pharmacists in Pakistan
Using an interprofessional team to provide refugee healthcare in an academic medical centre
Experiences of new family physicians finding jobs with obstetrical care in the USA
Preparedness of community-based organisations in biohazard: reliability and validity of an assessment tool
Providing primary care to transgender patients
Fanning the embers
Unilateral rhinorrhoea and button battery: a case report
Miniworkshops: an alternative educational strategy
Transforming a medical curriculum development into an education research
Some comments on general research methodology
The potential contribution of mixed methods research to primary care
Female-to-male sexual transmssion of Zika virus infection
Response to letters by M.Jawad Hashim and Chuan Zou: Advancing curriculum development and medical education research
Response to letter by Lingping Zhu: Small ‘r’research as big ‘R’research in general practice
Response to letter by Zhijie Xu: Why should mixed methods matter to primary care physicians a n d other providers?