News & Highlights
Handheld Ultrasound Advances Diagnosis
Nuclear Energy Seeks Revival with Advanced Fuel Options
Mars Helicopter Exceeds Expectations
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Key Engineering Technologies to Achieve Green, Intelligent, and Sustainable Development of Deep Metal Mines in China
Toward Systemic Thinking in Managing Environmental Risks
Engineering Achievements
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak
Modified Therapeutic Antibodies: Improving Efficacy
Antibody Therapies Targeting Complex Membrane Proteins
Current State of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for Allergic Diseases
High-Affinity Decoy PD-1 Mutant Screened from an Epitope-Specific Cell Library
A Novel Human Antibody, HF, against HER2/erb-B2 Obtained by a Computer-Aided Antibody Design Method
Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine: A Promising Avenue for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy
Semen Analysis and Fecundity Association Among Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Experiencing Ovulatory Dysfunction Treated by Ovulation Induction
Developmental Temporal Patterns and Molecular Network Features in the Transcriptome of Rat Spinal Cord
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution
Bottlenecks and Countermeasures of High-Penetration Renewable Energy Development in China
High-Speed Parallel Plasmonic Direct-Writing Nanolithography Using Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Lens
Preparation and Characterization of High-Strength Geopolymer Based on BH-1 Lunar Soil Simulant with Low Alkali Content
PVC Formulation of Anastrepha suspensa Pheromones Suitable for Field Studies