Reservoir construction from the Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration
Experimental study of impact of a certain polluted river on groundwater along river bank in Southeast China
Evaluation and reasonable utilization of geothermal resources of Shenze County, Hebei Province
Application of Visual MODFLOW to simulation of migration in Cr6+ contaminated site
Evaluation of groundwater supply capacity for agricultural drought emergency relief of Hebei Plain
Back calculation of soil hydraulic parameters based on HYDRUS-1D
Analysis of impact of outfalls on surrounding soil and groundwater environment
Tracking footprint of hydrogeology research in China via scientific projects funded by the NSFC (1997-2013)
Influence of fluctuations of frozen soil in North Asia on groundwater and assessment on resources
Construction of ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District
Analysis and prevention measures for typical geological disasters formation and mechanisms within permafrost zone of Greater Khingan Range
Zonation for exploitation and utilization of geothermal water in Beijing