Defence Technology
Defence Technology
Evaluating location specific strain rates,temperatures,and accumulated strains in friction welds through microstructure modeling
Crystal lattice free volume in a study of initiation reactivity of nitramines:Impact sensitivity
The effects of compressibility and strength on penetration of long rod and jet
A DFT study on TNGU isomers and aluminized cis-TNGU composites
Numerical simulation and optimized design of cased telescoped ammunition interior ballistic
The kinetic of mass loss of grades A and B of melted TNT by isothermal and non-isothermal gravimetric methods
Crystal lattice free volume in a study of initiation reactivity of nitramines:Friction sensitivity
Process parameters-weld bead geometry interactions and their in fluence on mechanical properties:A case of dissimilar aluminium alloy electron beam welds
Biotransformation and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by microbial metabolism and their interaction