Defence Technology
Defence Technology
The uncertainty propagation analysis of the projectile-barrel coupling problem
Preparation and study of ultra fine flake-aluminum with high reactivity
Studies on composite solid propellant with tri-modal ammonium perchlorate containing an ultra fine fraction
Study on the effect of RDX content on the properties of nitramine propellant
Simulation of two-dimensional interior ballistics model of solid propellant electrothermal-chemical launch with discharge rod plasma generator
The in fluence of nozzle diameters on the interaction characteristic of combustion-gas jets and liquid
Electrostaticspray preparation and properties of RDX/DOS composites
Projected area and drag coef ficient of high velocity irregular fragments that rotate or tumble
Experimental study on the penetration effect of ceramics composite projectile on ceramic/A3 steel compound targets
Measurement of bullet impact conditions using automated in- flight photography system
Study on the performance of ceramic composite projectile penetrating into ceramic composite target
Fragmentation model for large L/D(Length over Diameter)explosive fragmentation warheads
In fluence of the embedded structure on the EFP formation of compact terminal sensitive projectile
Dispersion sensitivity analysis&consistency improvement of APFSDS