Defence Technology
Defence Technology
Effect of post weld heat treatment on tensile properties and microstructure characteristics of friction stir welded armour grade AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy
Effect of Drying on Particle Size and Sensitivities of Nano hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine
Analysis of workload of tank crew under the conditions of informatization
In fluence of yttrium on microstructure and properties of Ni-Al alloy coatings prepared by laser cladding
Estimation of the kinetic parameters for thermal decomposition of HNIW and its adiabatic time-to-explosion by Kooij formula
Research on design and firing performance of Si-based detonator
Dynamic globularization prediction during cogging process of large size TC11 titanium alloy billet with lamellar structure
Effect of welding processes and consumables on fatigue crack growth behaviour of armour grade quenched and tempered steel joints
Biased retro-proportional navigation law for interception of high-speed targets with angular constraint
A numerical study on the disturbance of explosive reactive armors to jet penetration
Analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of unmanned underwater vehicle moving close to the sea bottom