Communications in Theoretical Physics
Communications in Theoretical Physics
A New Negative Discrete Hierarchy and Its N-Fold Darboux Transformation∗
Rogue Waves and Lump Solitons of the(3+1)-Dimensional Generalized B-type Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Equation for Water Waves∗
Split Octonion Reformulation for Electromagnetic Chiral Media of Massive Dyons
Reconstructing the Potential Function in a Formulation of Quantum Mechanics Based on Orthogonal Polynomials
Comparative Study of Entanglement and Wigner Function for Multi-Qubit GHZ-Squeezed State
A Type D Non-Vacuum Spacetime with Causality Violating Curves,and Its Physical Interpretation
Sliding Mode Control of Fractional-Order Delayed Memristive Chaotic System with Uncertainty and Disturbance∗
Anti-synchronization Between Two Coupled Networks with Unknown Parameters Using Adaptive and Pinning Controls∗
In finite Conservation Laws,Continuous Symmetries and Invariant Solutions of Some Discrete Integrable Equations∗
New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of the Unstable Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
General Solutions for Hydromagnetic Free Convection Flow over an In finite Plate with Newtonian Heating,Mass Diffusion and Chemical Reaction
Damped Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Equation for Weakly Dissipative Solitons in Dense Relativistic Degenerate Plasmas
Linear Analysis of Obliquely Propagating Longitudinal Waves in Partially Spin Polarized Degenerate Magnetized Plasma
In fluence of Cell-Cell Interactions on the Population Growth Rate in a Tumor∗
Rumor Spreading Model with Immunization Strategy and Delay Time on Homogeneous Networks∗