Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Exponential Decay in a Timoshenko-type System of Thermoelasticity of Type III
A Characterization of The Twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro Vertex Operator Algebra
The Properties of Expected Scattering and Averaged Scattering and Their Applications to Texture Classification
Dyons of Unit Topological Charges in Gauged Skyrme Model
Generalized Schwarzian Derivatives and Analytic Morrey Spaces
Stability Analysis of Fractional Nonlinear Dynamic Systems With Order Lying in(1,2)
n-tilting Torsion Classes and n-cotilting Torsion-free Classes
Two Geometric Inequalities in Spherical Space
The Hamiltonian Structures and Algebro-geometric Solution of the Generalized Kaup-Newell Soliton Equations