Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Minimum Dominating Tree Problem for Graphs
Composition Operators on the Weighted Bergman Space in the Unit Polydisk
The Lower Order and Type of Solutions of Second Order Diff erential Equation
An Extrapolated Parallel Subgradient Projection Algorithm with Centering Technique for the Convex Feasibility Problem
The Self-dual Codes over Formal Power Series Rings
Direct Solutions of Some Singular Integral Equations on the Building Domain of Complex Biballs
A Stage-structured Predator-prey Model with Time Delay and Impulsive Eff ects
Existence of Positive Solutions for Systems of Second-order Nonlinear Singular Diff erential Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions on Infi nite Interval
(∈γ,∈γ∨qδ)-intuitionistic Fuzzy(Soft)Filter of BL-algebras
Smarandachely Adjacent-vertex-distinguishing Proper Edge Coloring of K4∨Kn
Convexity for New Integral Operator on k-uniformly p-valentα-convex Functions of Complex Order
On Quasi-Jacobi Bialgebroid and Its Dirac-Jacobi Structure
The Method of Solutions for some Kinds of Singular Integral Equations of Convolution Type with Both Refl ection and Translation Shift
The Rank of Integral Circulant Graphs
A Local Characterization of Lie Homomorphisms of Nest Algebras
Local Regularity for a 1D Compressible Viscous Micropolar Fluid Model with Non-homogeneous Temperature Boundary
A Descent Gradient Method and Its Global Convergence
On Uniform Decay of Solutions for Extensible Beam Equation with Strong Damping