Computer Modeling In Engineering&Sciences
Computer Modeling In Engineering&Sciences
Preface:Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Model Studies of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Distributed Lagrange Multiplier/Fictitious Domain Finite Element Method for a Transient Stokes Interface Problem with Jump Coefficients
An Augmented IB Method&Analysis for Elliptic BVP on Irregular Domains
A Simple FEM for Solving Two-Dimensional Diffusion Equation with Nonlinear Interface Jump Conditions
OpenIFEM:A High Performance Modular Open-Source Software of the Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interactions
An IB Method for Non-Newtonian-Fluid Flexible-Structure Interactions in Three-Dimensions
Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed Finite Element Method for Flow Simulation in Fractured Porous Media
An Immersed Method Based on Cut-Cells for the Simulation of 2D Incompressible Fluid Flows Past Solid Structures
A Novel Image Categorization Strategy Based on Salp Swarm Algorithm to Enhance Efficiency of MRI Images
Convergence Properties of Local Defect Correction Algorithm for the Boundary Element Method
Computational Modeling of Human Bicuspid Pulmonary Valve Dynamic Deformation in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot