Computers Materials&Continua
Computers Materials&Continua
Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing for Video Streaming Over 5G
Geek Talents:Who are the Top Experts on GitHub and Stack Overflow?
Implementing the Node Based Smoothed Finite Element Method as User Element in Abaqus for Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity
Dynamics of the Moving Ring Load Acting in the System“Hollow Cylinder + Surrounding Medium” with Inhomogeneous Initial Stresses
Human Behavior Classification Using Geometrical Features of Skeleton and Support Vector Machines
Improvement of Flat Surfaces Quality of Aluminum Alloy 6061-O By A Proposed Trajectory of Ball Burnishing Tool
Keyphrase Generation Based on Self-Attention Mechanism
Comprehensive Analysis of Secure Data Aggregation Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network
Deep Feature Fusion Model for Sentence Semantic Matching
Generating Questions Based on Semi-Automated and End-to-End Neural Network
ICVSS:A New Method for Vulnerability Quantitative Grading
Instant Edit Propagation on Images Based on Bilateral Grid
Novel DDoS Feature Representation Model Combining Deep Belief Network and Canonical Correlation Analysis
Research on Architecture of Risk Assessment System Based on Block Chain
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Chaotic Map-Control-Based and the Plain Image-Related Cryptosystem
The Topology Sampling of H2SO4·NH3 with Meta-Dynamics Method
A New Anti-Quantum Proxy Blind Signature for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Things
Achieving Privacy-Preserving Iris Identification Via El Gamal
A Dynamic Memory Allocation Optimization Mechanism Based on Spark
An Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Protocol with Dense Coding on Single Photons
Task-Based Resource Allocation Bid in Edge Computing Micro Datacenter
GPR Wave Propagation Model in a Complex Geoelectric Structure Using Conformal First-Order Symplectic Euler Algorithm
Cultivated Land Monitoring System Based on Dynamic Wake-Up UAV and Wireless of Distributed Storage
Long Short Term Memory Networks Based Anomaly Detection for KPIs
A New Time-Aware Collaborative Filtering Intelligent Recommendation System
Texture Feature Extraction Method for Ground Nephogram Based on Contourlet and the Power Spectrum Analysis Algorithm
Measure-Resend Semi-Quantum Private Comparison Scheme Using GHZ Class States
A Novel Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Encrypted Medical Image Based on DTCWT-DCT and Chaotic Map