Chinese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Chinese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Review and Commentary
Rhinoplasty in China: A review of the most important events in its history of development
Original Article
A combined therapy for the repair of alar defects that consists of a modified spiral flap and postoperative nasal stent
DeepPurpose-based drug discovery in chondrosarcoma
Micropunch grafting for healing of refractory chronic venous leg ulcers
Oral health-related quality of life between Chinese and American orthodontic patients: A two-center cross-sectional study
Case Report
A rare post-coronavirus disease 2019 complication of maxillary mucormycotic osteomyelitis in a Southeast Asian patient
Innovative combined therapy for multiple keloidal dermatofibromas of the chest wall: A novel case report
Polydeoxyribonucleotide: A promising skin anti-aging agent
Current evidence on the use of near-infrared spectroscopy for postoperative free flap monitoring: A systematic review
Comprehensive pathogenesis and clinical therapy in striae distensae: An overview and current perspective
Corrigendum to: Efficacy and safety of sclerosants in the treatment of venous malformations: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials