Chinese Journal of Cancer Research
Chinese Journal of Cancer Research
Incidence and mortality of stomach cancer in China, 2014
Incidence and mortality of laryngeal cancer in China, 2008–2012
Effectiveness and safety of different amifostine regimens:Preliminary results of a phase II multicenter randomized controlled trial
Combined peripheral natural killer cell and circulating tumor cell enumeration enhance prognostic efficiency in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
Treatment patterns for adjuvant docetaxel-based chemotherapy in early-stage breast cancer in China: A pooled retrospective analysis of four observational studies
Presence of circulating tumor cells is associated with metabolicrelated variables in postoperative patients with early-stage breast cancer
MAT1 correlates with molecular subtypes and predicts poor survival in breast cancer
Clinicopathological features and surgical outcomes of four rare subtypes of primary liver carcinoma
Down-staging depth score to predict outcomes in locally advanced rectal cancer achieving ypI stage after neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy versus de novo stage pI cohort: A propensity score-matched analysis
Imaging evaluation of sorafenib for treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma