Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
Accurate level set method for simulations of liquid atom ization☆
Heat transfer augmentation in a circular tube with winglet vortex generators☆
Influence of im peller diameter on local gas dispersion properties in a sparged mu lti-im peller stirred tank☆
Pow er dem and and mixing performance of coaxial mixers in a stirred tank with CMC solution
CFD simulation of high-temperature effect on EHD characteristics in a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator☆
Em u lsion liquid mem brane for selective extraction of Bi(III)
Adsorption of zinc onto anionic ion-exchange resin from cyanide barren solution☆
Op tim ization of cop roduction of ethyl acetate and n-butyl acetate by reactive distillation☆
A planning model for multiple blending schem es☆
Ultrasonic study on molecu lar in teractions in binary mixtures of form am ide with 1-p ropanol or 2-p ropanol
Isolation and structural iden tification of two bioactive phenazines from Streptom yces griseoluteus P510☆
Use of chemically activated cotton nut shell carbon for the rem oval offluoride contam inated d rinking water:Kinetics evaluation☆
A comparison of soft magnetic com posites designed from different ferrom agnetic pow ders and phenolic resins☆
Natural products from Bacillus subtilis with an tiMicrobial properties☆
Numerical study of pore structure effect on SO2-CaO reactions☆
Therm odynam ic analysis of manufacturing polysilicon from SiHCl3,SiCl4 and H2☆
Anaerobic biodegradation of RDX and HMX with different co-substrates☆
Influence of the operating parameters over the curren t efficiency and corrosion rate in the Hall-Herou lt alum inum cell with tin oxide anode substrate material
Preparation of Fe3O4/M nOOH core-shell nanoparticles by a high-frequency im pinging stream reactor☆
Kinetics of xylose dehyd ration in tofurfural in acetic acid