Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
Stability of Rarefaction Wave to the 1-D Piston Problem for the Pressure-Gradient Equations∗
Strong Embeddability for Groups Acting on Metric Spaces∗
Zeros of Monomial Brauer Characters∗
Closed Strong Spacelike Curves,Fenchel Theorem and Plateau Problem in the 3-Dimensional Minkowski Space∗
On the Discrete Criteria and Inequalities for SL(m,
The Strong Solution for the Viscous Polytropic Fluids with Non-Newtonian Potential
Degeneracy and Finiteness Theorems for Meromorphic Mappings in Several Complex Variables∗
Waring-Goldbach Problem:One Square and Nine Biquadrates∗
On Uniform Large Deviations Principle for Multi-valued SDEs via the Viscosity Solution Approach∗
Nonexistence of Type II Blowup for Heat Equation with Exponential Nonlinearity∗
Joint Reducing Subspaces of Multiplication Operators and Weight of Multi-variable Bergman Spaces∗