Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
Boundedness of Solutions for Duffing Equation with Low Regularity in Time∗
Mathematical Justification of an Obstacle Problem in the Case of a Plate∗
Equivalent Properties for CD Inequalities on Graphs with Unbounded Laplacians
Liouville Type Theorem About p-Harmonic Function and p-Harmonic Map with Finite Lq-Energy∗
Statistical and Geometrical Way of Model Selection for a Family of Subdivision Schemes∗
Decomposition of Lp(∂Da)Space and Boundary Value of Holomorphic Functions*
Some Weak Specification Properties and Strongly Mixing∗
On λ-Power Distributional n-Chaos∗
M¨obius Homogeneous Hypersurfaces with Three Distinct Principal Curvatures in Sn+1∗
Dimension of Slices Through Fractals with Initial Cubic Pattern∗
Quasi Normal Sectors and Orbits in Regular Critical Directions of Planar System∗