Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
New Identities for Weak KAM Theory∗
Quantitative Stability of the Brunn-Minkowski Inequality for Sets of Equal Volume∗
Affinely Prime Dynamical Systems
Time Discrete Approximation of Weak Solutions to Stochastic Equations of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Applications∗
Exact Boundary Controllability for a Coupled System of Wave Equations with Neumann Boundary Controls∗
On the C 1 Regularity of Solutions to Divergence Form Elliptic Systems with Dini-Continuous Coefficients∗
Extremum Problems of Laplacian Eigenvalues and Generalized Polya Conjecture∗
Dirac Concentrations in a Chemostat Model of Adaptive Evolution∗
Variational Analysis of Toda Systems∗
Asymptotics and Blow-up for M ass Critical Nonlinear Disp ersive Equations∗
Singular Solutions to Conformal Hessian Equations
Negative Index Materials and Their Applications:Recent Mathematics Progress
Convergence to a Single Wave in the Fisher-KPP Equation∗
The Mathematical Theory of Multifocal Lenses∗
Symmetrization for Fractional Elliptic and Parabolic Equations and an Isoperimetric Application∗
A Third Derivative Estimate for Monge-Ampere Equations with Conic Singularities
CR Geometry in 3-D∗