Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Original Articles
Estimation of lron Physiological Requirement in Chinese Children using Single Stable lsotope Tracer Technique*
Optimization of Three-Dimensional Culture Conditions of HepG2 Cells with Response Surface Methodology Based on the VitroGel System*
Childhood Adversity Phenotypes and Risky Health Behaviors among Chinese Adolescents:Extending the Concept of Adversity*
Mediation Effects of Placental lnflammatory Transcriptional Biomarkers on the Sex-Dependent Associations between Maternal Phthalate Exposure and lnfant Allergic Rhinitis: A Population-Based Cohort Study*
Global Profiles of Acetylated Proteins in Brains of Scrapie Agents 139A-and ME7-lnfected Mice Collected at Mid-Early,Mid-Late,and Terminal Stages*
Time Series and Spatial Epidemiological Analysis of the Prevalence of lodine Deficiency Disorders in China*
Letters to the Editor
A Reverse-Transcription Recombinase-Aided Amplification Assay for the Rapid Detection of the Wuxiang Virus*
The Immune Responses Induced by Licensed Flavivirus Vaccines against Zika Virus
Seroprevalence of Pteropine orthoreovirus (PRV) lnfection among Outpatients in a Clinic in Rembau,Malaysia*
Genomic Characterization of a Streptococcus suis Serotype 2 lsolated from a Human Patient*
Evaluation of Colloidal Gold lmmunochromatography for the Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis Caused by Smooth Brucella*
Clinical Significance and Function of MALAT1 Gene Expression and the rs619586 Polymorphism in Colorectal Cancer*