Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Original Articles
Hand Hygiene among Anesthesiologists and Microorganisms Contamination in Anesthesia Environments: A Single-Center Observational Study*
Association of Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity and the Dynamic Changes in Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity with All-Cause Mortality among Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese*
Spatial Heterogeneity and lnfluencing Factors of HFRS Epidemics in Rural and Urban Areas: A Study in Guanzhong Plain of Shaanxi Province, China*
Evidence on lnvasion of Blood, Adipose Tissues, Nervous System and Reproductive System of Mice After a Single Oral Exposure: Nanoplastics versus Microplastics*
Effects of Combination of 1,25(OH)2D3 and TLR-4 lnhibitor on the Damage to HaCaT Cells Caused by UVB lrradiation*
Letters to the Editor
Decreasing Trends in the Incidence of Age- and Sex-specific Hepatitis A Virus Infection in Hunan Province, China, from 2004–2020: A Joinpoint Analysis
Screening Pathogenic Microorganism Standard Strains for Disinfection Efficacy Evaluation*
Association of VDR Polymorphisms and Gene–obesity lnteraction with Type 2 Diabetes: A Case–control Study among Chinese Rural Population*
Transcriptome Sequencing of mRNA and lncRNA in Hippocampal Tissues of Rats under Microwave Exposure
Schistosoma japonicum Eggs Exerts Protective Effects in an Experimental Ulcerative Colitis Model*
lGF-1 Accelerates Cell Aging by lnhibiting POLD1 Expression*
Oral Cadmium lntake Enhances Contact Allergen-induced Skin Reaction in Rats*