Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Urine Metabonomic Analysis of lnterventions Effect of Soy lsoflavones on Rats Exposed to Di-(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate*
Organic and Inorganic Mercury in Biological Samples of Flouresecent Lamp Industries Workers and Health Risks
Cross-neutralizing Anti-hemagglutinin Antibodies lsolated from Patients lnfected with Avian lnfluenza A(H5N1) Virus*
Comparison of the Pathogenicity of Neisseria meningitidis lsolates of Hyperinvasive Sequence Type 7 Belonging to Serogroups A, B, C, and X*
Frequent lmport and Multiple Sources of Dengue Fever have Changed the Epidemic Situation of the Disease in Fujian Province, China*
Association between Chinese Famine Exposure and the Risk of Overweight/Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in Laterlife: A Cross-sectional Study
Retrospective Study of Effect of Fine Particulate Matter on Acute Exacerbation of Patients with ldiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis*
Comparison of the Absorption and Distribution of Cadmium via Cadmium Chloride and Cadmiumcontaminated Rice in Rats*
Effects of Treatment with Different Combinations of Bisphenol Compounds on the Mortality of Caenorhabditis Elegans*