Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Crop Switching for Improved Agricultural Sustainability in China
New MERS-like Coronavirus Discovered in Pangolins
Exercise: The Fountain of Youth at a Cellular Level
A Small Amino Acid, Big Impact: Methionine Restriction in Cancer Therapy
How SARS-CoV-2 Hijacks Our Immune Cells
Stealthy Invaders: How SARS-CoV-2 Evades Our Defenses and Spreads
China’s Top 10 Science Advances in 2022
Stretchy Electronic Devices Assembled in a Lego-like Way
Engineering Crops to Thrive on Sodic Lands
Genetically Engineered Bacteria Offer New Hope in Cancer Treatment
Gene Editing Restores Hearing in Mice
Gene Editing Offers New Hope for Treating Huntington’s Disease
Groundbreaking Study Sheds Light on Germline Mutation Rates Across Vertebrate Species
Resurrection of Dormant Retroviruses Contributes to the Aging Process
A Structural Insight into Gene Transcription Termination
Bacterial Supramolecular RADAR Against Phage
Protein Entry Path into Chloroplasts Unraveled
Science Watch
Chinese Space Telescopes Accurately Measure the Brightest Gamma-ray Burst Ever Detected
HEPS Achieves the First Electron Beam Accelerated to 500 MeV
ExR-STORM: A New Multicolor Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy Method for Investigating Nanostructures in Cells
Innovative Techniques for Precise Site-Specific Sample Preparation and In situ Structural Study of Cells
Researchers Propose Electrodriven Chemical Looping Ammonia Synthesis Mediated by Lithium Imide
Scientists Develop Magnetic-Acoustic Actuated CAR-T Cell Robots for Precision Antitumor Immunotherapy
Scientists Elucidate Fine Neural Orchestration of Feeding Processes for the First Time
Twin-bioengine Self-adaptive Micro/nanorobots Developed for Gastrointestinal Inflammation Therapy
Unlocking the Secrets of Efficient Syngas Conversion: Researchers Discover Dual Active Sites on Bimetallic Oxide Catalyst
Upconversion of Infrared Photons Enables Rapid Organic Synthesis under Sunlight
Assessment of Contaminants Associated with Gold-standard Ancient DNA Protocols
Genomic Study of Ancient Humans Sheds Light on Human Evolution on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Bizarre Cretaceous Bird from China Shows Evolutionarily Decoupled Skull and Body
In This Issue