Analysis in Theory and Applications
Analysis in Theory and Applications
The Strong Approximation of Functions by Fourier-Vilenkin Series in Uniform and H¨older Metrics
Parameterized Littlewood-PaleyOperators and Their Commutators on Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Exponent
Construction Theory of Function on Local Fields
Convergence of the qAnalogue of S z´asz-Beta-Stancu Operators
CpCond ition and the Best Local approximation
The FractionalM axim alOperatorand M arcink iew icz In tegrals Associated with Sch r¨od inger Operators on M orrey Spaceswith Variab le Exponen t
Some In tegral Mean Estim ates for Polynom ialswith Restricted Zeros
Some Results on the Upper Convex Densities of the Self-Sim ilar Sets at the Con tracting-Sim ilarity Fixed Poin ts