Avian Research
Avian Research
Comparative population genomics reveals glacial cycles to drive diversifications in tropical montane birds(Aves,Timaliidae)
Identification of annual routines and critical stopover sites of a breeding shorebird in the Yellow Sea,China
Differing migration patterns and year-round habitat-use of allopatric nesting Eastern Tundra Bean Geese(Anser fabalis serrirostris)in East Asia
GPS tracking data reveal the annual spatiotemporal movement patterns of Bridled Terns
Ecological traits affect the seasonal migration patterns of breeding birds along a subtropical altitudinal gradient
Demographic and behavioral responses of the White-winged Dove to human disturbances during winter in northwestern Mexico
Urban avifauna distribution explained by road noise in an Eastern European city
Definition of spatial positions within foraging Greater White-fronted Geese flocks from an individual's perspective:Cost-benefit dynamics change with the distance to flock edge
Year-round multi-scale habitat selection by Crested Tit(Lophophanes cristatus)in lowland mixed forests(northern Italy)
Habitat selection and food choice of White-naped Cranes(Grus vipio)at stopover sites based on satellite tracking and stable isotope analysis
Context dependent song-flight performance and timing in the Black-headed Bunting(Emberiza melanocephala)
Use of 3D-printed animal models as a standard method to test avian behavioral responses toward nest intruders in the studies of avian brood parasitism