Avian Research
Avian Research
Behaviour of cranes (family Gruidae) mirrors their phylogenetic relationships
Habitat preferences of diurnal raptors in relation to human access to their breeding territories in the Balkan Mountain Range,Bulgaria
Microhabitat characteristics related to seasonal roost switching: implications from a threatened and introduced cockatoo species in an urban landscape
Saltmarsh vegetation and social environment influence flexible seasonal vigilance strategies for two sympatric migratory curlew species in adjacent coastal habitats
Three-dimensional niche partitioning between two colonially nesting ardeid species in central China
Pair bonds during the annual cycle of a long-distance migrant, the Arctic Tern(Sterna paradisaea)
Using miniaturized GPS archival tags to assess home range features of a small plunge-diving bird: the European Kingfisher(Alcedo atthis)
Male parent birds exert more effort to reproduce in two desert passerines
Avian-power line interactions in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia: are mitigation actions effective?
High philopatry rates of Yellow-legged Gulls in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay
Collection, curation and the use of humidification to restore nest shape in a research museum bird nest collection
Abundance of insects and aerial insectivorous birds in relation to pesticide and fertilizer use
Which species discovers novel food sources first? A camera trap study in a natural environment
Use of DNA metabarcoding of bird pellets in understanding raptor diet on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China
Coastal wetlands in Lianyungang,Jiangsu Province, China: probably the most important site globally for the Asian Dowitcher(Limnodromus semipalmatus)