Avian Research
Avian Research
Combined effects of habitat and interspecific interaction define co-occurrence patterns of sympatric Galliformes
Multispecies hybridization in birds
A global consistent positive effect of urban green area size on bird richness
Disturbance increases high tide travel distance of a roosting shorebird but only marginally affects daily energy expenditure
Function of the uropygial gland in eiders(Somateria mollissima)
Spatiotemporal distribution of seasonal bird assemblages on land-bridge islands: linking dynamic and static views of metacommunities
Using remotely sensed and climate data to predict the current and potential future geographic distribution of a bird at multiple scales: the case of Agelastes meleagrides,a western African forest endemic
Migration routes and strategies of Grey Plovers (Pluvialis squatarola) on the East Atlantic Flyway as revealed by satellite tracking
Spring migration duration exceeds that of autumn migration in Far East Asian Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons)
Diel and seasonal patterns of variation in the singing behaviour of Savannah Sparrows(Passerculus sandwichensis)
Population dynamics and habitat use of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis)in the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin, Tibet, China
Bird diversity and waterbird habitat preferences in relation to wetland restoration at Dianchi Lake, south-west China
Egg laying and incubation rhythm of the Chinese Grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi)at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China
Risk of predation: a critical force driving habitat quality perception and foraging behavior of granivorous birds in a Nigerian forest reserve