Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
Long-term surface air temperature trend and the possible impact on historical warming in CMIP5 models
Precipitation as a control of vegetation phenology for temperate steppes in China
An observational study on vertical raindrop size distributions during stratiform rain in a semiarid plateau climate zone
Asymmetric association of rainfall and atmospheric circulation over East Asia with anomalous rainfall in the tropical western North Pacific in summer
The relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and ENSO as simulated by CCSM4
Improved simulation of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variation by IAP/LASG AGCMs
Characteristics of pressure gradient force errors in a terrain-following coordinate
Analysis of ‘9.4’ unusual rainfall in Beijing during autumn 2015
Discrepancies in boreal summer monsoon rainfall between GPCP and CMAP products during 1979-2014
Quasi-biennial oscillation signal detected in the stratospheric zonal wind at 55-65°N
OPEN ACCESS (2016年03期)
Estimation of the surface heat budget over the South China Sea