Acta Mechanica Sinica
Acta Mechanica Sinica
Hydrodynamic interactions of water waves with a group of independently oscillating truncated circular cylinders
Numerical evaluation of passive control of shock wave/boundary layer interaction on NACA0012 airfoil using jagged wall
Measurement of residual stress in a multi-layer semiconductor heterostructure by micro-Raman spectroscopy
Stress analysis of thermally affected rotating nanoshafts with varying material properties
Acoustomechanical constitutive theory for soft materials
Nonlocal vibration analysis of circular double-layered graphene sheets resting on an elastic foundation subjected to thermal loading
Extended Kantorovich method for local stresses in composite laminates upon polynomial stress functions
Tuning of non-uniform switch toughening in ferroelectric composites by an electric field
Numerical study on the deformation of soil stratum and vertical wells with gas hydrate dissociation
Reliability assessment on interfacial failure of thermal barrier coatings
Nonlinear integral resonant controller for vibration reduction in nonlinear systems
Gradient systems and mechanical systems
Numerical analysis of stress distribution in the upper arm tissues under an inflatable cuff:Implications for noninvasive blood pressure measurement
Entropic force between biomembranes
A phase-field study on the oxidation behavior of Ni considering heat conduction
Contact force and mechanical loss of multistage cable under tension and bending
A direct probabilistic approach to solve state equations for nonlinear systems under random excitation