Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences
Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences
Vesicu lar nanocarrier based treatm en t of sk in funga l in fection s:Po ten tia l and em erging trends in nanosca le pharm aco therapy
Electrospun nanof ibers as a w oun d d ressing fo r treating d iabetic foot u lcer
Syn thesis and eva luation of cation ic po lym eric m icelles as carriers of lum b rok inase fo r targeted th rom bo lysis
A nano-cocrysta l strategy to im p rove the d isso lu tion rate and o ra l bioavailability of baica lein
Effect of raw m ateria l variability of g lip izide on the in vitro d isso lu tion rate and in vivo bioavailability perfo rm an ce:The im po rtan ce of particle size
Op tim ization of taste-m ask ing on ibup rofen m icrospheres w ith selected stru ctu re featu res
A donepezil/cyclodex trin com p lexation o rod ispersib le f ilm:Effect of cyclodex trin on taste-m ask ing based on dynam ic p rocess and in vivo d rug abso rp tion
Cyclodex trin/ch itosan nanoparticles fo r o ra l ova lbum in delivery:Preparation,characterization and in testina lm u cosa l im m un ity in m ice
Enhan ced d rug load ing e ff icien cy of con tact len ses via sa lt-in du ced m odu lation
Preparation,characterization and in vivo eva luation of a lginate-coated ch itosan and trim ethy lch itosan nanopa rticles loaded w ith PR8 in f luen za v irus fo r nasa l im m un ization
A m ethod of e levated tem peratu res coup led w ith m agnetic stirring to p red ict rea l tim e release from long acting p rogesterone PLGA m icrospheres