Advances in Polar Science
Advances in Polar Science
An outstanding example of cooperation between Arctic and non-Arctic countries in cryosphere and climate research: Sino-Finnish cooperation for more than 30 years
The rise of sea ice research collaboration between China and Finland
Early glaciological and Quaternary Geology cooperation
Physics of Arctic landfast sea ice and implications on the cryosphere: an overview
An overview of Antarctic polynyas: sea ice production,forcing mechanisms, temporal variability and water mass formation
Observation and modelling of snow and sea ice mass balance and its sensitivity to atmospheric forcing during spring and summer 2007 in the Central Arctic
An observational study of precipitation types in the Alaskan Arctic
Variation of Antarctic marginal ice zone extent(1989-2019)
Modelling on seasonal lake ice evolution in central Asian arid climate zone: a case study
Tensile strength of sea ice using splitting tests based on the digital image correlation method
Cover picture: snapshots of the long term cooperation between China and Finland
One special issue will be published in 2022
The role of lake heat flux in the growth and melting of ice