Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
Recent Decrease in the Difference in Tropical Cyclone Occurrence between the Atlantic and the Western North Pacific
A Sensitivity Study of Arctic Ice-Ocean Heat Exchange to the Three-Equation Boundary Condition Parametrization in CICE6
Hybrid Methods for Computing the Streamfunction and Velocity Potential for Complex Flow Fields over Mesoscale Domains
A Nonlinear Representation of Model Uncertainty in a Convective-Scale Ensemble Prediction System
A Modified Double-Moment Bulk Microphysics Scheme Geared toward the East Asian Monsoon Region
Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Experiment Based on Basic NWP Variables Using Deep Learning
Influence of Coriolis Parameter Variation on Langmuir Turbulence in the Ocean Upper Mixed Layer with Large Eddy Simulation
Effects of Drag Coefficients on Surface Heat Flux during Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014)
Energy Paths that Sustain the Warm-Sector Torrential Rainfall over South China and Their Contrasts to the Frontal Rainfall: A Case Study
Spatiotemporal Variations of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity(MLSE) over China Derived from Four-Year Recalibrated Fengyun 3B MWRI Data
Seasonal Predictions of Summer Precipitation in the Middle-lower Reaches of the Yangtze River with Global and Regional Models Based on NUIST-CFS1.0
Observed Frequent Occurrences of Marine Heatwaves in Most Ocean Regions during the Last Two Decades
Correction to: Correlation Structures between Satellite All-Sky Infrared Brightness Temperatures and the Atmospheric State at Storm Scales
Erratum to: Stratospheric Ozone-induced Cloud Radiative Effects on Antarctic Sea Ice