Some advances in important research on soil in a changing world
Review Articles
Elevated carbon dioxide stimulates nitrous oxide emission in agricultural soils:A global meta-analysis
Hydrogen cyanide production by soil bacteria:Biological control of pests and promotion of plant growth in sustainable agriculture
Effects of different continuous fertilizer managements on soil total nitrogen stocks in China:A meta-analysis
Microplastics in soil:Impacts and microbial diversity and degradation
Rhizosphere microbiomes can regulate plant drought tolerance
Difficult-to-culture bacteria in the rhizosphere:The underexplored signature microbial groups
Effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on the molecular responses of maize under drought and heat stresses:A review
An overview on biochar production,its implications,and mechanisms of biochar-induced amelioration of soil and plant characteristics
Earthworm regulation of nitrogen pools and dynamics and marker genes of nitrogen cycling:A meta-analysis
Priming effect and its regulating factors for fast and slow soil organic carbon pools:A meta-analysis
Actinobacteria-enhanced plant growth,nutrient acquisition,and crop protection:Advances in soil,plant,and microbial multifactorial interactions
A review on phorate persistence,toxicity and remediation by bacterial communities
Soil protists:An untapped microbial resource of agriculture and environmental importance
Biosurfactant-assisted phytoremediation of potentially toxic elements in soil:Green technology for meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Plant-and microbe-assisted biochar amendment technology for petroleum hydrocarbon remediation in saline-sodic soils:A review
In Memoriam:David D.Myrold(1955–2021)